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Early Elf Annual Gift Card Sale!

Hiatus Spa Gift Certificates Austin Spa and Dallas Spa

Hello, you early elves.  You know who you are….the seasoned shoppers who don’t need the stress of shopping in the final hours of holiday madness.  You’d rather reserve that time for a massage at the spa!

Today through November 26th, all online Hiatus Spa gift certificates are on sale, 20% off and delivered to the lucky recipient via email.  Avoid the parking lots, the lines and say to yourself, bravo, you savvy online shopper!  

It’s simple. Click here.  Enter ‘earlyelf’ promo code.  Done.

The sale continues through Black Friday at both spa locations.

And if we can be of service, don’t hesitate to call (512.362.5777 in Austin; 214.352.4111 in Dallas), or write to us at hiatus@hiatusspa.com






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