September Product of the Month: Stress-Fix

September is here, which means the lazy days of summer are gone. One moment you are laughing on a patio, overlooking a lake with a cold margarita in hand, the next the alarm is going off at 5:45 am and it is your responsibly to get the family ready for school. That is a rough transitStress Fix lotion, relax, stress, massage, Avedaion.

Even if you are not a student, or the parent of a student, fall is a time when motivations kick into high gear and stress levels increase. Stresstember, as it has been dubbed, can be one of the most stressful times of the year. High levels of stress results in lack of sleep, restlessness, muscle tension and moodiness.

To help offset some of those negative impacts, Hiatus chose Aveda’s Stress-Fix line of body lotions, composition and soaking salts as its September Product of the Month.

Aveda’s Stress-Fix line is a blend of the 5,000 year-old Indian healing tradition Ayurveda and 21st-century western science. The aroma combines organic French lavender, lavandin and clary sage into a clinically proven stress-reliever. list of businesses Tests show the aroma decreases hormones in the brain that produces the feelings of stress.

Breath and aromaology can be used to create a quick and easy at-home wellness ritual. A few ritual suggestions are:



  • Apply Stress-Fix rollerball concentrate to the inside of your  wrists, hold over your nose and take a deep breath. Repeat anytime for instant stress relief.
  • After showering, massage Stress-Fix body lotion into areas of tension such as neck, shoulder and forearms. Use the Ayurvedic technique of massaging in circular motions at the joints for greater relief.
  • Draw a warm bath, light candles and add 1-2 tablespoons of Stress-Fix soaking salts. Soak in tub for at least ten minutes making sure you take deep inhalations and slow exhalations to get the full benefits of the aroma.


Hiatus offers Stress-Fix massage which includes the Stress-Fix aroma and a powerful combination of Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, acupressure and foot reflexology. The massage has been clinically proven to reduce feelings of stress and can be booked in 50, 80 and 110 minute increments.



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